Public affairs and law firm-

specialised in sustainability and circular economy

The name Futuense, which comes from blending “future” and “influence”, captures the essence of our mission, namely future influence. For companies to achieve impact on future political and judicial policies it is crucial to be far-seeing in order to create the expected results. At Futuense we offer the expertise to help your company achieve those results.


Futuense is one of few firms on the market offering a comprehensive solution. The combined knowledge within politics and law means that we can support your company both with implementation as well as interpretation of laws. The first part, political influence, regards how we can have an impact on what laws are implemented and what shape they take. The second part concerns legal application and interpretation of implemented laws. By offering services throughout both stages Futuense provides more certainty for you as a client.

The firm was founded, and is led, by lawyer Aylin Farid who has extensive experience within Swedish politics and the legislative process. At the Swedish parliament and the Government Offices of Sweden Aylin has worked within the areas of fiscal policy, migration, taxes, criminal law (including both court and prosecution matters) and social security. Before establishing Futuense Aylin also worked four years as a lobbyist and public affairs specialist in the waste management industry. Since waste is ultimately the final destination for all materials, she has through her work become an expert within questions concerning sustainability and circular economy.

Futuense is part of a larger network of firms working within Public Relations, Public Affairs and judicial matters. We will assemble a team that fits your requirements and needs.

What we offer

Advocacy work

Our advocacy work aims to impact decision-making through dialogue with those people who both influence and are directly responsible for decisions. At Futuense, we help with formulating your message and delivering effective messaging to make your case. We believe that success is best achieved with a cooperative approach.

We work at four levels-local with municipalities, regional with regions, national with the parliament and government offices and international with the EU commission and the EU parliament.

Impact strategy

Shaping public opinion is another way we affect decision-making. We do this by creating clear and consistent messaging using a voice that stands out in the noise of public debate. Addressing relevant and direct questions to the concerns of people raises awareness and creates trust for your organization.

Market intelligence

Organizations need an understanding of the external environment and relevant insights on those factors that can have an impact on their continued existence and development. At Futuense, we assist our clients with comprehensive analysis of societal and market developments and trends as well as providing scenario analysis to better understand how the future may unfold. We also use in-depth interviews with important actors and focus groups to gather information on specific and relevant topics.

Legal services

Legal questions frequently arise within the work of public affairs which is why we at Futuense also offer legal services. Legal services that we offer include legal advice, assistance in drafting legal documents as well as impact assessments on proposed regulatory and legislative changes.

Within the broader network of Futuense, we have lawyers specialising in different legal fields.

Circular economy & sustainability

The circular economy is a crucial tool to curb global warming and to achieve the sustainable development goals of the 2030 Agenda as well as to reach the targets within the Paris Agreement. The concept of circular economy builds on recycling, re-using and prolonging the lifecycle of products and materials, thereby reducing waste. This is in contrast to our current linear economy, building on a so-called “take-make-waste” model where we use resources inefficiently and as a result have high emission rates and extract natural resources without considering the planetary boundaries.

Consultant recruitment

We offer recruitment of consultants as short or longer-term solutions for the resourcing of your organization on a project or an ongoing basis. The areas of expertise are advocacy, communications, and market intelligence. Since Futuense takes care of all the administrative tasks, including labour law and contractual and invoicing tasks, it gives you and the consultant the possibility to fully focus on the work at hand.